How it begins…

At an initial meeting, I begin by helping the company or individual to identify up to four areas of primary focus. The goal is to establish measurable objectives and determine success parameters for all stakeholders. Each focus area is given a ‘scale of concern’ from 1-10 and the likely number and frequency of sessions required to progress all four focus areas to reach 10 can then be determined. A full no obligation proposal is then provided including a review process for all goals that have been formally agreed..

At this point feedback on the ‘scale of concern’ with other employees across every level can be conducted to optimise your return on investment.

Using a powerful range of models, toolkits and processes I help clients gain a meaningful understanding of why they do what they do and how new goals can be identified and achieved by creatively searching for solutions. My work challenges and inspires people to think bigger and deliver better results. You won’t necessarily be told what you want to hear, but you will definitely be shown and told what you need to do to make things better.

And the results are often phenomenal.